Ultrasound-guided injections
Ultrasound-guided injections are a specific treatment provided to relieve acute (sudden) or chronic (ongoing) pain and swelling of joints or tendons. The ultrasound helps your doctor guide the needle into the exact area that needs to be treated.
These injections may be used to:
Alleviate pain from common medical conditions such as arthritis or tendinopathy.
Remove the fluid from a joint and prevent the fluid from re-acummulating.
Manage pain whilst you wait for surgery.
Manage pain if you are not medically able to have surgery.
How is the injection given?
The injection is administered under strict sterile conditions using a small-gauged needle and syringe. Local anaesthetic is used during the procedure to minimise pain.
How long will the injection last?
This depends on the type of injection administered. Steroid injections for example typically last 6-8 weeks. However this usually enables the commencement of a physiotherapy/ exercise programme to facilitate overall recovery.