Are You Taking Care Of Your Feet?
10 Apr 2017 9:05 AM – Specialist Sportscare WA
Our feet are always working hard for us and this makes them prone to aches, pains and injury. From corns and calluses to strains and flat feet, there are plenty of potential complications. Fortunately, many of these injuries are easy to prevent and simple to treat.
Protect Your Feet with Shoes
Shoes that are clean, well-fitted and in good condition will go a long way to protecting your feet. Make sure that you maintain good shoe hygiene to avoid the accumulation of bacteria, fungi and bad odours. Alternating between two pairs of shoes will reduce sweating and dampness, helping to combat soft tissue corns or tinea.
You should also consider your shoes in athletic terms. This involves using the right shoes for every activity and for your feet. Each person’s foot sits in a unique position, whether it lies flat, pronates, or supinates. Before you buy your next pair of runners, do a simple ‘wet test’.
This involves wetting the base of your foot and stepping on a thick piece of paper. If there is a thin space of wet paper between the heel and the ball of the foot, you have a supinated arch. If there is no gap, you have a flat foot, and if there is some gap you pronate. This can give you a basic guide to the right sort of shoe for you, helping to correct potentially dangerous habits like over-supination.
Don’t just rely on a wet test to better understand your feet. If you’re experiencing aches or pains, always talk to a podiatrist.
Podiatry and Orthotics
Many of us face problems with our feet, legs and lower back that could be fixed with the use of orthotics. People often wear these inserts as children but leave them behind in adult life. As our jobs involve more and more standing, our feet begin to experience the negative consequences. Orthotics position your feet in the most stable and correct position at all times. They can correct a range of issues such as fallen arches or flat feet. This relieves the pressure on your feet and helps to resolve pain in your lower back and the rest of your body.
Corns and Calluses
Corns and calluses are caused by dying skin. They occur as a result of extreme pressure on the foot, such as continual overload on a particular spot. The body protects the area by forming a hard layer of skin around it.
It is important not to cut away corns or calluses. If you misjudge the task, it will most likely lead to infection. Over the counter corn ‘plasters’ or Band-Aids also run the risk of damaging the surrounding healthy skin. Seeing a podiatrist is the best option when you have developed a callus. They will be able to identify and possibly alleviate the pressure point.
Regular Check-Ups
Regular check-ups are especially important for the elderly. With age, it becomes harder to reach your feet and the skin loses its elasticity, leading to an increase in corns.
Regardless of your age, you should also schedule regular check-ups every 6-12 months. This ensures that your feet are in good condition and that you are taking care of them properly.
For more information and treatment, speak to Perth’s specialists in sports medicine and podiatry. Book your next appointment with Specialist Sportscare W.A. to discuss orthotics or pain relief.